Regular mowing is the most necessary maintenance procedure with any lawn. Mowing your lawn stimulates growth and encourages the development of new shoots leading to a nice thick sward and minimising the space for weeds to grow.
Whilst the lawn was growing on the turf farm, its' roots were deep into the soil (as much as 3 feet deep) and could easily find sufficient moisture. To enable the grass plants to survive and to grow a new root system, it is essential to keep the soil on the back of the turf and the soil below it sufficiently moist for the whole period of establishment (up to 4 weeks).
To enable you to apply sufficient water to your lawn the appropriate equipment will be needed. Anything less than a hosepipe is inadequate for the water volumes required and an oscillating sprinkler attached to the end would make the job easier and would apply the water more evenly. Do not drench it otherwise it will rot and do not leave the sprinkler in the same spot for more than 15 minutes. Little and often and push a knife into the ground or try and lift a turf to see if the water has soaked through underneath. Ensure the edges get watered too. If it rains, some of the lawn in particular the edges under shrub overhang may not get watered so water these by hand.
Even if it has not been a hot sunny day your new lawn needs watering daily for the first week or two then every other day for the next 2 weeks, after this water as needed,
Mowing Heights
The old adage - a little and often - can be applied to grass mowing. The more you mow the more individual grass leaves will grow and therefore your lawn will have a denser sward and conversely, the more infrequently you mow the thinner the sward and the more mossy, disease ridden and weedy it will become. You do not want to take off more that 25% of the grass growth in any one mowing session. Change the direction of the mower each time you mow. Your lawn will grow quite quickly and it will need mowing about a week or 2 from laying. Check to see if the roots have got away into the soil beneath by gently trying to pull a turf upwards.
The optimum mowing height for your new Lawn is between 25mm - 35mm.
Grass Clippings
It is best to remove grass clippings because they will smother the growth of other grasses and a build up of clippings can eventually create the perfect environment for disease
Dogs should be kept off of the lawn for the first 2 months after laying as their urine can completely kill off patches in the newly laid turf before it has time to root.
New Lawn Guide